The Pro And Contra Giving Children Homework

The pro and contra giving children homework
Homework is something that occupies students all around the globe, but it is also the source of an ongoing controversy between parents, teachers, and educational higher ups. Most people agree  that homework is useful for teenagers over about the age of 15, but what about for everyone else? The basic question that is being asked is this: Do we really need homework? 
There are a lot of discussion as to whether children should be given homework or not. Is it enough for children having time to study at school or needing additional time in home for study after school time?
Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also argue that children have their hobbies  which  they  want  to  do  after  school, such  as  sport  or  music. A further  point they make is that a lot of  homeworks are pointless and does not help the children learn at all.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents and teachers argue that it is important to find out whether children can work on their own without the support from the teacher. They say that the evening is a good time for children to sit down and think about what they have learned in school. Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done. It makes sense to send home tasks like independent reading or further writing task which do not need the teacher support
So based on the research The pros and cons of homework are admittedly all over the map. Many parents and teachers follow their personal perspectives and create learning environments around them. When parents and teachers clash on homework, the student is often left in the middle of that tug of war. By discussing these key points, each side can work to find some common ground so the children can benefit for a clear, precise message. Quantity may be important, but quality must be the priority for homework if a student is going to be successful.


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